The Avenue

Waterstraat 5, Breda

De Avenue is een unieke locatie in het centrum van Breda. Midden in het centrum vind je een voormalige schuilkerk die volledig is omgetoverd tot een prachtige evenementenlocatie. Verwacht een indrukwekkende gevel, de allure vaneen jaren vijftig schouwburg en restaurant. De Avenue, beleef het nu. Read more

The Avenue is a unique location in the center of Breda. In the middle of the city center you will find a former hidden church that has been completely transformed into a beautiful event location. Expect an impressive facade, the allure of a fifties theater and restaurant. The Avenue, experience it now.  

In an atmospheric and theatrical ambiance we will ensure that you are satisfied. Delicious snacks, plenty of drinks and good music. The Avenue has two beautiful halls. Namely the Theaterzaal and the Sociëteit (Society).

The building, located at Waterstraat 5, is the perfect location for your (company) outing. Because The Avenue has two halls, there are many possibilities for both large and small groups. Parking is best in Q-park. This parking garage is just steps away from The Avenue.