Sam van der Weijden

Poort van Schoenmakers, Breda

Vóór het aanbrengen van de muurschildering zag deze poort aan de Pasbaan er heel anders uit. Toen Sam van der Weijden in het toenmalige anti-kraakpand aan Pasbaan 15 woonde (2017), besloot hij een muurschildering te ontwerpen voor zijn afstudeerexpositie, gebaseerd op de geschiedenis van het pand. Hij kwam er achter dat het pand vroeger een stadsboerderij was, genaamd ‘Het Wit Lam’. Read more

Before the mural was painted, this gate on Pasbaan looked very different. When Sam van der Weijden lived in the then anti-squatting building at Pasbaan 15 (2017), he decided to design a mural for his graduation exhibition, based on the history of the building. He found out that the property used to be a city farm, called 'The White Lamb'.

Unfortunately, the mural could not be realised at the time because the property went up for sale.

Meanwhile, Breda native Guus Welten was working on a book about his family history. The family of his grandmother, Nel Schoenmakers, lived on the farm from 1844 to 1955. During his research about this place Guus stumbled upon an article in BN DeStem about Sam's graduation project. Guus contacted us and eventually we were able to realise the mural.

Because the farm was converted into apartments, the area under the gate and behind the complex had to have its own name. The gate was renamed "Shoemakers' Gate. In his design, Sam incorporated a floor plan of the Breda of old, Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and the White Lamb.

Poort van Schoenmakers, Breda