Damesdispuut Dylectus

St. Ignatiusstraat 32, Breda

In de winter van 1994 besloten vier dames mee te doen aan een verkiezing, die hen samenbracht en onvoorwaardelijke vriendschap opleverde. Elk studerend aan de HEAO Breda kozen zij er tezamen voor om hun vriendschap om te zetten naar iets wat vandaag de dag nog de stad Breda leven in blaast. Op 23 februari 1994 richtten zij Damesdispuut Dylectus op, waarbij de naam ‘uitverkorene’ betekent. De kleuren oranje en blauw werden een symbool. De sjerp, is ontstaan naar aanleiding van de missverkiezing. Read more

damesdispuut dylectus

In the winter of 1994, four ladies decided to participate in an election, which brought them together and resulted in unconditional friendship. Each studying at the HEAO Breda, they chose together to transform their friendship into something that still breathes life into the city of Breda today. On February 23, 1994, they founded Damesdispuut Dylectus, the name of which means 'chosen one'. The colours orange and blue became a symbol. The sash was created as a result of the beauty pageant. 

Every year a small group of ladies join this sorority. All opted for the unconditional friendship that the Damesdispuut Dylectus offers them and all the experiences they will have, will never forget and will learn from. The ladies come together on Tuesday. A bite to eat, a drink and a laugh together. It discusses what happened that week and what will happen. We plan and look back on the most amazing activities. The ladies of Dylectus are all different, they all have different characters, but they are one unit. 

Start a new adventure and take a look at the website and social media!

Instagram : @damesdispuut_dylectus
Facebook : Damesdispuut Dylectus