Love bridge harbour Breda (slotjesbrug)

Spanjaardsgat, Breda

In de periode van 2004 tot 2008 werd de nieuwe Haven in Breda aangelegd. Het water kwam daarmee weer terug in de binnenstad. Via de Hoge Brug, ontworpen door Eloi Koreman, kan men langs de oude visafslag richting de Havermarkt en de Grote Markt naar de… Read more

In the period from 2004 to 2008 the new Harbour in Breda was constructed. The water thus returned to the inner city.

Via the Hoge Brug, designed by Eloi Koreman, one can pass the old fish auction towards the Havermarkt and the Grote Markt to the car-free inner city.

This bridge is now known as the "love bridge" of Breda. In early 2013 people spontaneously started hanging locks on it, which immediately made the link with the famous bridge "Pont des Arts" in Paris.

Initially the locks were removed by the municipality, but after much rebellion and even national media attention it was decided that the locks may remain.

How it works.
Loved ones write/engrave their initials on a lock and attach the lock to the bridge. The key is then thrown into the water, confirming eternal love.

Spanjaardsgat, Breda