Frau Isa

Middellaan, Breda

Niet één, maar twee muurschilderingen schilderde de Oostenrijkse kunstenares Frau Isa op dit flatgebouw aan de Middellaan. Veel Bredanaars zullen de ontwerpen misschien direct herkennen; het werk is geïnspireerd op het roemrijke verleden van de Kwatta-fabriek. Read more

The Austrian artist Frau Isa painted not one, but two murals on this apartment building on the Middellaan. Many Breda residents may recognise the designs immediately; the work is inspired by the glorious past of the Kwatta factory.

The 16-meter high diptych shows a Kwatta girl (right) and a Kwatta soldier (left), two well-known concepts in Breda. From the end of the 19th century the Stoom Cacao- en Chocoladefabriek Kwatta stood here, the bars that the factory produced became 'world famous' in the Benelux. On the wrappers of the bars soldiers were depicted, which could be saved as stamps for a free bar or a tin soldier. When you had saved 100 soldiers, you could exchange them for the coveted bendable toy soldier.

The majority of the Kwatta staff consisted of young girls, the Kwatta girls. During the official unveiling of the paintings on August 18, 2019, an original Kwatta girl was also present, Corry Dieckmann.

The paintings came about partly thanks to Alwel and the neighbourhood platform.

Middellaan, Breda